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Empathetic and engaging content for large or small groups from partners who've been there.

We believe the best way to break down barriers is to tell a story and we LOVE to tell ours. We are available as partners or individually to speak about any number of subjects and can tailor our message to your specific group. Our focus is primarily on navigating personal relationships, workplace issues, and providing support for faith communities. We believe that when these core relationships and community centers are supportive and engaged with loving transgender individuals, we all become stronger together. 




Love in the Face:
Choosing to love in the face of it all

From the beginning, as middle school besties, Katie and Nia's story is a unique and beautiful representation of unconditional and revelatory love. 


Nia and Katie share the twists and turns of their life together which includes religious traumas, battles with depression and anxiety, their adoption journey, and mutual self-discovery through coming out as individuals.


This riveting story declares the power of love and gives hope for those facing a life that may feel daunting and overwhelming. Through their story, Katie and Nia will show you how to love in the face of it all.

Being You: 
The Power of Your Untold Stories

Dreams are simply untold stories that live inside of us. If we take the time to listen, our dreams can help us discover the deepest parts of ourselves. 


In this keynote address Nia and Katie outline the power of dreams and provide a scaffolding for discovering the untold stories inside of us.


This interactive session includes a foundational understanding of the importance of dreaming and  practical tips for uncovering our untold stories through dreaming big and often.


This session can be tailored for large groups, workshops, and retreat settings.

Enneagram 101:
Building empathy for self and others

Teams, co-workers, and families can all benefit from this session, in which Katie and Nia introduce the broad strokes of the Enneagram of Personality and outline how knowing ourselves can give us empathy and patience for others; tools that can increase efficiency and ease interpersonal conflict.


In this interactive session participants will reflect on their place within the Enneagram and how who they are affects what they do, especially in relationships.


This session can be tailored for large groups, workshops, and retreat settings.

Embracing Queer Family
Learning to Live Authentically in Our Families and Communities

When Nia Chiaramonte came out as a trans woman to her wife Katie, she knew she would be met with a loving response. But she was less sure where this would leave their relationship, their marriage, and their family. Even murkier was what would happen when they began to bring their extended family, friends, and broader community alongside them on their journey of identity formation as a Queer family. They needed a guide for what lay ahead.


Now, drawing on their own experiences as well as their expertise in psychology, spirituality, and family systems, Nia and Katie Chiaramonte offer the tools they wish they'd had for their journey. Embracing Queer Family is a guidebook for Queer families on how to live into their true selves and strengthen their communities through radical love, acceptance, and mutual healing. With hands-on tools for learning and reflection in each chapter, this needed resource tackles issues of inclusion and acceptance and offers practical advice for how individuals and families can honor themselves and find transformation for their whole community through love.


Whether you are a Queer person on the journey of self-awareness, an ally looking for resources, or a family member seeking advice for how to navigate a loved one's coming-out process, this book is for you.

Learning to Trust When You Don't Understand:
Inclusion training for leaders

For many in leadership positions the transition of a transgender member of the  group can be a difficult and sensitive topic to navigate, especially when there are politically or morally charged issues surrounding inclusion. 


Nia and Katie present simple yet challenging ways for leaders to get out of their own way and allow those longing for inclusion, not just a seat at the table, but a way to be seen, heard, and understood. 


The principles offered during this session will increase empathy and prime leaders for moments in their organization that they just don't understand, but want to embrace. 


Uncovering Deep Desire:
My Queer Revelation

Personal and interactive, this workshop will take participants through Katie's story and invite them to discover their deepest desire. Combining personal vulnerability with meditations and reflections, Katie invites participants to listen to their hearts and allow themselves to be known.


This workshop is available as a conference session, a keynote address, and also can be tailored to a retreat type setting for more in-depth self discovery.

Coming Out to Kids:
Practical Tools for Tough Talks

Coming out to your kids can be difficult no matter their age or knowledge of queer concepts. Nia and Katie help break down the barrier between parents and kids by offering concrete tools and instruction on open listening. 


In addition, a time of question and response will help parents voice their concerns, fears, and hopes for how their journey affects their children. 


Parents will walk away with practical applications and a sense of confidence as they enter the coming out conversation with their children.

Liminally Me:
My Life in Transition

Join Nia as she recounts her journey to living fully as her true self. In this session, Nia vulnerably recounts moments in her life that led her to embrace every part of her identity.


At once humorous and compelling, Nia's story leads listeners into a world of self awareness and empowerment, urging them to dig deep into their own stories and celebrate themselves.


Attendees will leave feeling uplifted and encouraged to live fully into their whole selves.


Don't see what you're looking for, but love our energy and story? No worries! We would love to hear about your specific needs and craft a tailored message specifically for your organization or group. Contact us today for an exploratory call to see if we might be a fit for your needs.

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